Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Wednesday - October 27, 2004

Another Whining Kennedy

Last week I read about how a Kennedy relative (Maria Shriver, wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger) got upset with his support of President Bush and kicked him out of bed for 2 weeks.

Now we have another Kennedy whiner.  This one is Caroline Kennedy. She’s pissed off that President Bush keeps invoking her father’s name.  AWWWWW, too bad.

I’ve got five words for her:  “S.T.F.U. bitch!”

Who the hell does she think she is? She does not own her father’s name!!!

Damned liberals, the world would be a better place without them.  Especially the limousine liberals who inherit the name and the fortune and have never had to work a day in their lives.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/27/2004 at 03:14 PM   
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A Marriage Made In Hell

Thanks to LGF, we have news of an upcoming marriage.

LONDON - BBC World, the BBC’s global commercial service, has unveiled details of its US election coverage.

The 24-hour news and information channel will provide analysis over the next two weeks, with live election night coverage fronted by David Dimbleby.

BBC World will also broadcast a special edition of ‘Question Time’ featuring film-maker and author Michael Moore, columnist Richard Littlejohn and former Bill Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal.

image + image = image

In a related story, the Atlantic Ocean, fearing for its sanity during transmissions between Moore and the Beeb, sank into a hole in the sea floor. Atlantis found. Film at 11:00 ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/27/2004 at 02:48 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - October 26, 2004

Rebuttal To Kerry’s “October Surprise”

I read Vilmar’s post below about Kerry and Edwards “October Surprise” and started to comment, then decided this needed a little research and a sound rebuttal to Kerry, based on facts. Here is what Senator FuckFace had to say about the missing weapons cache in Iraq ....

“This is one of the great additional blunders of Iraq. The unbelievable incompetence of this administration, step after step, has put our troops at greater and greater risk, over-extended the American military, isolated the United States, put a greater financial burden on the American people. George W. Bush has failed the test of commander in chief.”

Kerry is a real work of art, isn’t he? The man can twist anything and will stoop to any low level of name-calling to accomplish his goals. Now, here are the facts:

1- To date, 10,033 caches have been cleared with a total of 405,944 tons of munitions delivered to the CEA points, an average of about 40 tons of munitions per cleared cache.

2- Of that total, 243,045 tons of munitions have been destroyed, and 162,899 tons remain at the CEA points for future destruction.

3- 16 caches remain outstanding, containing an esti-mated total of 6,068 tons, an average of 380 tons per cache.

4- Kerry is blaming Bush for the disappearance of ONE CACHE out of almost 11,000 that have had to be secured.

5- Recent data indicate that the grand total will continue to grow. Over the six-week period from the end of July to mid-September, CEA discovered an additional 291 caches with a total of 105,028 tons of munitions—cache discoveries continued to the time of writing. CEA estimates a total of 600,000 tons of munitions is the total tonnage, including munitions destroyed during OIF and scattered about the countryside. ISG believes this number is fairly uncertain, and could go considerably higher in the future as new caches are discovered. We regard 600,000 as a lower limit on total munitions.

Get the facts on Saddam’s weapons caches here from the Iraq Survey Group.

You can read the entire Iraq Survey Group final report (30 September 2004) here.

You damn sure will not get the facts from the Democraps. They have hounded President Bush for not having found the “weapons of mass destruction” while the military, under Bush’s guidance has secured and/or destroyed a “mass of destructive weapons”. Kerry is saying Bush is falling down on the job because 1 weapons cache (380 tons) went missing while 10,033 caches (405,944 tons) have been secured and destroyed. ISG estimates over 650,000 tons total were in Iraq to begin with. Let’s do the math ....

1- 62% of Saddam’s weapons caches have been secured and destroyed.

2- 38% remains to be destroyed.

3- .0005% has gone missing.

Keep in mind that the US military has accomplished this herculean task of destroying all these weapons while being under-funded because Senators like John Kerry and John Edwards voted against appropriations to support the war in Iraq that they voted for. On top of that, the two Senators who want your vote are blaming those valiant troops, who are doing their dead-level best to destroy these weapons, of failing to do their duty by letting one cache of weapons disappear. John Kerry is a menace to the truth, honor and duty. He doesn’t understand any of them and he damn sure doesn’t understand the harm he is doing to troop morale, allied support and honesty in politics .... or else he just doesn’t give a damn as long as he wins the Presidency. In my opinion, it is the latter.

These are the facts, folks .... something you won’t get from Kerry, Edwards, the Democrats, the media, the Radical Muslims or Hollywood.

The Truth: get it straight, get it right, get it here.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/26/2004 at 08:05 AM   
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calendar   Monday - October 25, 2004

I’m Sick And Tired of Kerry

This morning started out OK. Cool weather, fall leaves .. not a bad way to go back to work on a Monday. Then I read this headline: ”Kerry Ridicules Bush on Terrorism Remark”. Senator Fuckface is at it again. The desperation is starting to show. This two-faced SOB has refused to grant any interviews, except to “The Daily Show” and a few other puff-piece shows and has not held a press conference with the members of the press travelling with him in months. Why? Because every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. Lies, distortions and blatant fabrications are all that come out of his pie-hole. And his wife isn’t doing much better, making wild, ranting statements about Laura Bush. For God’s sake, this man doesn’t even qualify for dog-catcher, much less President. He is nothing but a Liberal-Democrat boot-licker.

All he can seem to be able to do is criticize President Bush and do a ton of ”Monday morning quarterbacking” and ”back seat driving”, neither one of which qualifies you to be President. All we hear from The Poodle is this ....

“You make me president of the United States, we’re going to win the war on terror,” Kerry said at an evening rally in Boca Raton, Fla. “It’s not going to be up in the air whether or not we make America safe.”

Yeah, yeah. The check’s in the mail, the IRS is your friend, and yes, I’ll still respect you in the morning.

Promises, promises. Does this piece of s**t have any idea how stupid he sounds, and how ridiculous his supporters are to buy into this blatant bullshit? I’ve just about had all I can take of this. Next Tuesday (is it only eight days away?), me and 280 million Americans will have a chance to shut this feeble-minded gigolo up for good. I think we can be safe from further terrorist attacks from the Democrats if we send them a strong message in the voting booths.

Are you with me or against me?  cool smirk


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/25/2004 at 08:08 AM   
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The Law Firm Of Dickum, Drownum & Taxum



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/25/2004 at 06:09 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - October 24, 2004

Viewpoint: Guest Post


Defective Brains Department:
BMEWS Member - Jaguar

The Democrats and the Left have lost their Collective Minds.

Seriously, what the hell is going on?

They are still pissed off about the 2000 election, they are still convinced that the Supreme Court gave the office of president to President Bush, yet they ignore ALL the facts of the entire fiasco.

Gore tried to steal the election, with the HELP of the Florida supreme court, he almost got away with it. They were going to allow him to change the rules of the election, they basically legislated from the bench that what the legislature did was unfair and that he could do whatever it took to count those ballots until he won. The Supreme Court basically just slapped them into next year, and Bush finally got what he had already won, namely Florida’s Electoral votes. Gore attempted to STEAL the election in the courts, and if Bush had NOT been willing to fight him, then we might have had President Gore trying to deal with 911. That thought ought to give every right thinking Americans the cold chills.

Even worse, foreigners are joining in. Have you read the Guardian lately? What the devil is up with these people?

On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod’s law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?

(Editor’s Note: this article in The Guardian is why they received the Barking Moonbat Of The Week Award yesterday.)

WTF is going on? I mean really, what has gotten into these people?

Or perhaps this interview on MSNBC with the Swift Boat Vets?

O’Donnell completely lost it, the man was a total LUNATIC, shouting over John O’Niel of the Swiftvets whenever he tried to respond to a question. Calling him a LIAR, and how he has been discredited etc. What discreditation is he talking about? I have yet to see ANY kind of firm response or criticism of his book “Unfit For Command” by anyone on the left. Just because they say it, it must be true? Come on ..

Then we have the myriad of Bush/Cheney signs being stolen around the country. Did you know there are people putting barbed wire around their Bush Cheney signs to protect them? What kind of nonsense is this? Since when does the left have the right to shut up the right? No, we don’t agree, but I have yet to have an overwhelming urge to destroy a Kerry/Edwards sign, I look at the sign, shake my head for the persons sanity and intelligence level and move on, But EVERYONE has the right to their political opinion, but on the Left, it is .. “If you don’t agree with me, then you can’t have an opinion”.

That is just a symptom of an endemic problem within the Democratic party.

Kerry claims that it was the wrong war, at the wrong time etc, etc, but NEVER quotes himself from 2 years ago, when he was claiming that Saddam was indeed a threat and that the president needed the authority to take him out.

There are SO many of these, that I am NOT going to go over all them, It would take this entire page.

Now we move onto Voter intimidation, the Dems have put out a booklet, stating that if there is NO intimidation, that they need to do a PREEMPTIVE strike, so in other words create a problem where none exists.

Now we find out that Early voters in Florida have been intimidated at the polls by Democrats. People asking others who they are going to vote for, and if they say “none of your business” then they are automatically put into the Bush column and harassed clear to the voting booth.

This is INSANITY, this is just plain crazy.

I say the Democrats have lost their minds, collectively and individually.

Now, we move on to the other things that the Democrats are doing to win no matter what it takes.  10,000 lawyers, some hired, some pro bono, have been unleashed upon the voting offices to look for voting irregularities, what irregularities you ask? Well, they are going to look for “voter intimidation”. Translation, they are going to intimidate voters. They are going to look for double voters, people that have voted in one precinct and then come and vote again. Translation: They are going to make sure that those double voters go unnoticed, or will cry “Voter Intimidation”. Fun Huh?

Then we have the Republican headquarters break-ins all over the country, the union thugs are really going for this one with gusto, they actually took over a headquarters for a couple of hours. Talk about intimidation! Then the broken windows, the stealing of election literature, laptops, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

They have lost their collective minds, completely and have absolutely gone insane.

I have come to the conclusion that the Democrats are panicked completely and absolutely freaked out.

They have been in power for 50 years, and when they were kicked out, they were completely awestruck! How could the American people kick such intelligent people, who were taking such good care of the country, out of office? HOW DARE THEY DO THAT? The American people have no idea what they are doing, so we must get back in power, for THEIR OWN GOOD.

So, they have gone to the politics of desperation, silencing ALL those who disagree with them, intimidating voters so that they will vote how the Democrats WANT them to vote, and attempting to destroy any and all that would speak out against them.

The 527’s are a disaster, but it was the loophole that the Democrats wanted, JUST FOR THIS ELECTION. George Soros has dumped quite a bit of his personal fortune into defeating George Bush, so that his man, Kerry, can be in the White House, a man that Soros feels that he can control.

This is getting very dangerous, as we get closer to the election, the crazier the Democrats get. It is getting a lot like what Germany was like in the early thirties, as the NAZI party succeeded in shutting up any and all opposition.

The Democrats CAN NOT be allowed to succeed. They must lose, and by HUGE margins. Kerry and the Democrats cannot be allowed to get away with their voter fraud, where there are more registered voters then there are residents, such as in a few counties in the upper Midwest. They must be overwhelmed. The right must come out in GREAT HUGE numbers, and put this to bed once and for all.

The Democrats must not be just defeated, they must be OVERWHELMED!! They must be destroyed at the ballot boxes, because if they are not, they will just become bolder and crazier.

If the Democrats lose by 2%, even 3%, they will claim that the election was stolen from them, and we will be in court for months trying to straighten the mess out. Not only that, but the Democrats will lose whatever sanity that they have left.

The Democrat masses are at the beck and call of their leadership, and that leadership is not at all ethical or sane. That will spread to their sheeple as well. Those masses can and will resort to violence to get their way.

We must NOT allow that to happen. They must be overwhelmed in a LANDSLIDE, so that it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to claim that the election was stolen. I guarantee you that there will still be some violence, because again, they are not altogether sane, but a landslide will blunt it, and hopefully destroy any hopes that they have of ever regaining power again.

They must be ABSOLUTELY convinced that their lies, their demagogery and deceit will not be allowed, nor believed. They must be thoroughly convinced that they have gone too far to the left and must come back to the center or lose any and all hopes of ever having ANY power again.

The Socialist party of the United States(The Democrat Party) must be thoroughly defeated, and I believe that it can and will happen, but we MUST, we HAVE to get our base to the polls. We cannot allow single-issue voters to kill it for us. You single-issue voters MUST put your issue with President Bush aside, whether it is the war in Iraq, Abortion, whatever.

We are talking about the survival of the country here, and I am NOT overstating this .. we are talking about the SURVIVAL of the United States as we know it.

The Democrats have lost it, and will resort to violence if that is what it takes to make things right to them.

It is a very stark choice.

You either believe that terrorism is evil and the United States has the right to take preemptive action to protect ourselves, or you believe that the UN should have control of our national security. You either believe that the individual knows best how and what to spend their money on, or the government can make that decision for you better. You either believe in personal responsibility and the state answers to the people, or you believe in a collective socialistic dream where everyone answers to the state.

There is a stark contrast here, the Kerry vision of big government: the US answers to the UN, and we go down as the greatest power in the world onto the ashheap of history and the terrorists are just another reality of life and we will have to learn to live with it. Bush’s vision: the US answers to NO ONE, we have a right to defend ourselves and will, we remain the greatest power on the planet, and destroy terrorism and danger to American citizens wherever it hides.

The choice is clear, at least to me, vote for Bush, and the country remains safe, defended, and we are truly free, or vote for Kerry, where the US is an evil nation that must answer to the UN, and we are getting what we deserve when terrorists attack us, and big government will answer to no citizen, government knows what is right for us, and we had just better lie down and take it.

I know who I will vote for, won’t you join me?

WE need to DEFEAT the Democrats, and not allow their cheating, lies and dishonesty to steal the United States from us.


-- Jaguar


Posted by Jaguar   United States  on 10/24/2004 at 10:44 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - October 23, 2004

Civil War?

Saturday has finally arrived .. and not a second too soon as far as I’m concerned. The workload at the office has been miserable this week with all manner of deadlines coming due this week or next. Plus, I’ve been spending my evenings attending on-line Bush/Cheney Team Leader meetings and mailing out letters to about thirty newspapers I have targeted. I’ve canvassed my neighborhoods and I can safely say that folks around here are 100% behind George Bush. Florida, where Vilmar is, is another matter entirely. I was proud to see Vilmar get a chance to attend a Bush rally earlier this week. He sent me a DVD with ALL the pictures and several MPG movie files of the event. As Vilmar said, the crowd was highly responsive to Bush’s message. The pictures and movies he took are definite proof.

Needless to say, our Benevolent Dictator has been fired up this week and has churned out one editorial, research article or opinion piece after another. I’ve kinda let him run with it and stood aside. Reading his posts has been much fun and entirely interesting, I think you will agree. Let’s encourage him to keep it up. There are only ten days until the election and Kerry and the Liberals are holding on. We have to defeat them. If we don’t it will mean the end of the world as we know it. Asteroids hitting the earth, monstrous floods and volcanoes, plagues of frogs and locusts descending on all the earth .... it will be Armageddon of Biblical proportions.

The only good thing that might come from a Kerry victory would be the end of the perpetual whining from the Left that we have endured for four long, tedious years.

As William F. Buckley noted in a recent editorial ....

It pays to remind ourselves that working democracies depend for their existence on one thing, one thing alone. It is the submission of the minority. When that isn’t forthcoming, as in the U.S. in 1860, confederations break apart.

Think about that for a few minutes. If the party which loses an election is content to accept their loss and bide their time until the next election, democracy survives. If the voters who cast their vote for a particular law are defeated and they accept the verdict of the majority of people, democracy survives. As long as the course of the country is determined by the majority of the people, democracy survives. Do you see where I’m going with this?

Take a careful look back at the last four years. The Democrats never accepted their loss in 2000 and have been on a steady, unrelenting, divisive attack on President Bush since he was sworn into office in January, 2001. The liberal media have carried their share of that hatred and venom to all parts of the country, poisoning the social atmosphere in a steady barrage of attacks on President Bush’s administration. Fringe groups like the ACLU and PETA and many others have tried over and over again to overrule the wishes of the majority of people in this country by using the nation’s court systems. Trial lawyers have almost managed to bankrupt entire industries and in some cases have succeeded. Case in point: did you know that the recent flu vaccine shortage is actually due to trial lawyers? True. Evidence: the flu vaccine is currently made by two companies only .... one in Britain and one in France. Why don’t American companies make our own vaccine? You guessed it. Every one of them has stopped making vaccines because of the trial lawyers and million-dollar lawsuits by trial lawyers like John Edwards.

What has the last four years taught us?

Well, here is my list:

(1) George Bush had the guts and determination to carry the war to the terrorists after they attacked us in a cowardly fashion on Septmeber 11, 2001.

(2) The American people stood solidly behind the President for a brief period after the attack - after all, none of us wants to be dead, do we?.

(3) With their craven, mad attacks on the President, the Democrats have gradually eroded support for the war overseas as a means of regaining power.

(4) Their attacks have nothing constructive about them, but are only based on “promises”, “plans” and personal attacks on the President’s early life.

(5) Hollywood has not lost its chance to divide the country and make millions off of movies like “Fahrenneit 9/11”. The line between politics and entertainment is now blurred in their minds.

(6) Nearly half of the population of this country has been suckered into this mindless hatred of Bush and most of them really can’t tell you why in a rational manner.

(7) The major news media have finally come out of the closet and decided that influencing the elections is more important than reporting the news. They have become propaganda stooges of the Democratic Party.

(8) Minority groups like homosexuals and atheists are changing the social landscape of America in spite of the wishes of the populace in general. Tolerance is one thing. This is something else, something dangerous when the wishes of minorities overrule the wishes of the majority.

(9) From all the signs above, the Democrats and Liberals are making this their “last stand”. They are going all out to win this election. They know they’re outside the mainstream and if they lose they will be relegated to the toilet of history. They are lying to the people, physically breaking into Bush campaign offices around the country, resurrecting every old Democratic politician in the vault, mounting personal attacks on Bush, Cheney and their families, firing off attacks ads, movies & editorials while complaining about every response by the Bush/Cheney campaign. It is a scorched-earth campaign.

(10) A vote for John Kerry is a vote in favor of all of the “wrongs” noted above. There is nothing “right” about the Kerry/Edwards campaign. This election is not about Right and Left. It is about Right and Wrong.

America, you can go to the polls on November 2 and cast your vote as you see fit. Just try to remember that this is the most important election since 1860. In that election, the Democrats were wrong and the Republicans were right. It took a Civil War .. and 620,000 dead Americans .. to sort that one out. Will history repeat itself? It’s your choice. Choose wisely please. We can’t afford another meeting at Appomattox Courthouse.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/23/2004 at 12:29 PM   
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calendar   Friday - October 22, 2004

Activist Judges At It Again

Now it looks like provisional ballots will be allowed in Michigan---even if you are not in your own precinct!  I talked about this already but in case you missed it, here’s the link.

What’s to stop these sons of bitches in the activist brigades from swamping a precinct near closing time when it is almost out of ballots and then crying, “DISENFRANCHISEMENT!!!?”


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/22/2004 at 06:34 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - October 19, 2004

Guess The Party

OK, read these snippets and guess which party is responsible:

1.  Campaign literature sent home in the books of third graders

2.  Voters have problems in Broward County Florida (again)

Damn!  That was too easy, huh?

In the first, the aprty responsible says it was a mistake.  Yeah, right!!!!  Giving it to 3rd graders was a mistake.  In your dreams, pal.  Plus, what the hell is the school doing distributing that shit to its teachers anyway?  And the teacher “JUST HAPPENED” to have enough to pass out??????

In the second, HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!  Same county as in 2000 and 2002.  And it’s still populated by Democrats, who choose Democrats to be elected officials, run by democrats and still fucked up by Democrats.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:33 AM   
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Global Test?

Well, it’s almost unanimous. Nearly every religion on the planet has weighed in now against the Left in America.

First, we have an unofficial communication from the Vatican that the Pope is considering excommunicating any politician who advocates abortion. This would include John Kerry and Democrat Senators Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts and Tom Harkin of Iowa; Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine; and former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, a Democrat.

Second, the Anglican church has urged the U.S. Episcopal Church not to elect any more gay bishops and also urged the Canadian and American churches to refrain from blessing same-sex unions, arguing that North American liberals had breached “the proper restraints of the bonds of affection” among Anglicans.

We already know the Muslims think America is the “great Satan”.

The entire world seems to be against the policies of the Liberal Left in America. Political correctness, homosexual “marriages”, abortion on demand, etc.

Maybe the world isn’t really pissed at us for taking the war to the terrorists as Kerry and the rest of the Liberals would have you believe. Maybe, just maybe, the world is looking at the Looney Left in America and is wondering if we haven’t totally lost our minds over here. We need to make sure the world knows not all Americans have their heads up their asses.

Vote Bush/Cheney on November 2 and send the world a message that “it’s OK, we’re alright over here and we’ll take care of these lunatics in our midst”. Then once we silence Kerry and the rest of these madmen we can turn our full attention to the madmen in the Middle East and take care of business like we should have been doing all along. Only then will we have passed the “global test”.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 01:38 AM   
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calendar   Monday - October 18, 2004

The Desperation Circus: Act I

After reading about the voter fraud already starting in Florida and Ohio, I was enraged. Then I got today’s Opinion Journal from James Taranto in my e-mail box and one thing leapt out at me. Taranto lists the attacks Kerry & Co. have been mounting lately and draws the conclusion that the Democraps are getting desperate. I’ll let him tell you about it ....

Fifteen days to go, and much of John Kerry’s “debate bounce” has faded away. RealClearPolitics’ “poll average” gives President Bush a 3.6% lead, 48.8% to 45.2%, with Ralph Nader grabbing 1.7%. Without Nader, Bush picks up 0.2%, giving him a 3.8% lead.

This is close enough that Republicans are in no position to get cocky, but with every poll now showing a Bush lead (except Time without Nader and Zogby with, which both have a tie), the Kerry camp has reason to be nervous. Their man did about as well as could be expected in the debates, and still he trails. An Agence France-Presse photo suggests the Kerry campaign is a “dead end.” We wouldn’t go that far--but with no more debates, what can Kerry do to come back? Blogger Rodger Morrow suggests that he is being forced to resort to a “Hail Mary” approach--attempting to score via a series of long passes that have little chance of connecting:

In the past 10 days or so, the Kedwards campaign has:

- Accused the Bush administration of planning to reinstitute a military draft.

- Recycled the “no blood for oil” canard of the looney left.

- Alleged that the Bush administration is somehow in the pocket of the Saudi royal family.

- Told voters that, if they elect John Kerry, “people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.”

- Suggested that President Bush was planning a “January surprise” to privatize Social Security.

- Advised Democratic campaign workers to launch a “pre-emptive strike” charging voter “intimidation” on election day even if no evidence exists.

- Warned Florida voters that Republicans are “trying to keep people from voting.”

- Blamed the flu vaccine shortage on President Bush.

- Twice called attention to the fact that Mary Cheney is a lesbian.

If you didn’t know better, you might think they were getting desperate. (emphasis mine)

Of course, the problem with a Hail Mary pass is that there’s always the danger of being intercepted, which is what appears to have happened with the Mary Cheney Hail Mary. On the surface, it was actually a very clever play, a way of gay-baiting while also appealing to gays (who saw it as a way of exposing what they see as Republican cruelty or hypocrisy on same-sex marriage).

The problem for Kerry is that a lot more Americans have children than have strong feelings about homosexuality one way or the other. People tend to be very protective of their own families and sympathetic to the protective instincts of others. It was the invasion of the Cheney family’s privacy, not anything having to do with homosexuality per se, that got Kerry in trouble.

Now, it’s true that Miss Cheney’s sexual orientation was not a secret, and that her father had talked about it--but there’s a big difference between talking about your own family (whether for political gain or not) and talking about someone else’s in order to harm him politically. The Clintons understood this very well and made good use of Hillary in defending Bill from his scandals--from “60 Minutes” in 1992 to the “vast right-wing conspiracy” interview in 1998.

In our view, Hillary’s own political ambitions made the Clinton marriage “fair game” to a much greater degree than Mary Cheney is, but we’d venture to say most Americans were more sympathetic to Hillary’s privacy than we were. Tellingly, Robert Novak reports that “the only Kerry aide on the [campaign] plane who wanted the senator to quickly issue an apology for any perceived insult was senior adviser Mike McCurry, the former Clinton spokesman who is a calm, cool voice among the overheated Kerryites.” In any case, it’s hard to imagine Bill Clinton ever being graceless enough to say such a thing in the first place, let alone to insist he was right to do so.

GOOD! They have every right to be desperate. Their insane antics and accusations are driving the population of this country to Bush. Keep it up, Kerry!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/18/2004 at 05:39 PM   
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NAACP In Ohio: Vote Fraud, Crack Cocaine

Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. Drudge first broke this story a short time ago. Here’s the scoop from Drudge:

The Defiance County Sheriff’s Office arrested Chad Staton, age 22, of Stratton Ave., Defiance, on a charge of False Registration, in Violation of Section 3599.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, a felony of the fifth degree.

The Sheriff’s Office alleges that Staton filled out over 100 voter registration forms that were fictitious. Staton was to be paid for each registration form that he could get citizens to fill out. However, Staton himself filled out the registrations and returned them to the woman who hired him from Toledo, Ohio. Deputies allege that Staton was paid crack cocaine for the falsified registrations.

Defiance Deputies along with Toledo Police Department detectives conducted a search warrant of a residence on Woodland in Toledo, believed to be the home of the woman who hired Staton to solicit voter registration. Officers confiscated drug paraphernalia along with voter registration forms from the home. The occupant of the home, Georgianne Pitts, age 41, advised law enforcement, along with Ohio B.C.I.&I., that she had been recruited by Thaddeus J. Jackson, II, of Cleveland, to obtain voter registrations. Pitts admitted to paying Staton crack cocaine for the registrations in lieu of money.

A business card provided by Pitts indicated that Jackson is the Assistant NVF Ohio Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund.

The initial complaint received by the Sheriff’s Office came from the Defiance County Board of Elections. The Board had received the 100 plus registration forms from the Cuyahoga Board of Elections that had been submitted to the Cuyahoga Board by the NAACP National Voter Fund.

Let me see if I got this straight .. the assistant director for the NAACP in Ohio is paying dope addicts with crack cocaine, in lieu of money, to go out and obtain voter registrations and the crackheads are forging registrations? Did I miss anything? Damn it! This crap has to stop immediately! These fucktards and forons in the NAACP and out on the streets are trafficking in drugs for votes. SEND IN THE FBI IMMEDIATELY. Lock ‘em all up! Shoot to kill. No bag limit!


Update: Here is the official mug shot!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/18/2004 at 05:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Subversion of the Voting Process is Beginning

A few days ago I mentioned how we should do away with provisional voting--the process that allows a voter to register his vote in a precinct not his own.  This has been held by some activist judges as perfectly legal and they went so far as to say that in Ohio a citizen has the right to vote in ANY precinct within a county!!!

Think about the possible ramifications of such a decision.  If you’ve ever worked in a polling station you will know that what we have today evolved through many years of work to determine exactly how many workers are required, how many “stations” for voting, and how many ballots based on the number of registered voters within that precinct.

Now, how long do you think it will take for activists to subvert the process by coordinating a “mass appearance” of voters at one location which is totally unprepared for the influx of voters?  They show up about 6 PM when polls are about to close and storm the desks demanding to vote.  That station has had people working for 12 hours straight at this point.  They are tired.  These activists walk in and the process goes in the shitter because none of them are on the “rolls” necessitating calls to the Supervisor of Elections office for each one.  Delays accumulate. Ballots, too, are probably already mostly gone (after all they got enough for their precinct only plus a few more for spoilage.)

These activists then start to scream, “INTIMIDATION!!!  DISENFRANCHISEMENT” Lawyers are summoned.  The courts get involved. The process gets subverted.  Just what these fuckers wanted to begin with.

Well, that’s what’s going to happen.  You mark my words.

Start here by reading how in Milwaukee there are plans to print TWICE as many ballots as there are voters.  Now why do you think they are doing that?  Will there be double voting?  Will the dead rise to cast their ballots?  Are they hedging their bets?  Are they expecting people to show up who are not voters and then DEMAND to register on the spot?

Time will tell.  Stay tuned.

Now, let’s take a look at how the Dems are already attempting to subvert the voting process by purposely putting out bad information regarding how ballots can be collected. In direct contravention of Florida state law they say anyone can pick up anyone else’s ballots and bring them in to the elections office.

So you can see where I am headed with this already, right?  Thousands of these ballots will be picked up (who’s to know they are valid or hadn’t been tampered with before arriving?) The DNC will claim it was an honest error (after the elections, of course!) and demand all those mishandled ballots be counted or the voters represented therein would be “DISENFRANCHISED!!!” Lawsuits will fly. Laws will be twisted.  We’ll be back to that “voter intent” bullshit.  The results of the vote count will be in jeopardy.

Only one way to stop this happy horseshit---get out and vote for Bush.  Get your friends to vote for Bush.  Do it!  Only with a RESOUNDINGLY clear win can this crap be stopped.  If it is close you can expect to see the same tactics again that were used in 2000.  But if it is a huge win, it won’t matter a bit.

I’ll end this by sharing this lovely little piece detailing how voters are “confused” about voting.

You know what?  It’s time to start shooting these dumb sons of bitches.

In closing I leave you with this: considering all these underhanded tactics the Dems have engaged in is it any wonder why we do not consider them to be patriotic?  Is anyone surprised we say things like, “Democrats are not interested in the welfare of the US.  They hate the US.  They would rather we not be a world power.  They are only interested in putting themselves into power no matter the cost to the American people or to the country itself.”



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/18/2004 at 06:05 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Saturday - October 16, 2004

Cartoon Of The Week


-- Brian Fairrington,


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/16/2004 at 12:44 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHumor •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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